Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Team of Like-Minded Folk" Obvioiusly Still A Bevy of Big Girls Blogging

Well, it didn't take too many days of Lent for the Big Girl Bloggers of Me-Touching, New Jersey to tire of prayer, fasting (the Originator of their blog was obviously and notoriously not into fasting, and we've got - and will presently publish once again - the pictures to prove it!) and almsgiving to return to their principal interest. No, not the Big Girls' sewing-circle focus on heraldry, liturgy and Vatican gossip - but their Primary Obsession, a daily, nay hourly monitoring of a 20-something Young Philadelphia Blogger with more connections in higher places and a brighter future in any endeavor he might choose than all of the sad and aging queens languishing in the Me-Touching Girls' Club with their heraldry, liturgy and Vatican gossip.

As "they" note, the Originator of "their" blog, "Father Guy," whose not inconsiderable ass is now covered, we presume, by the whole "like-minded-folk" ruse, "was very good at it." That is, at an all-consuming obsession with the Young Philadelphia Blogger. In fact, a rumor in the blogosphere is that he and he alone is the entire "team"! This would figure, and not only since he is large enough to merit his own zip code, but because the "team" concept sort of provides him with the closest thing to the Pontifical (or is it Queenly?) "We" he's likely to get near!

But the definitive proof that the Originator is still in charge of that sad blog (and, more likely, is still its sole proprietor) is the latest "correction" of the Young Philadelphia Blogger's entry regarding the famous "Keyhole of the Cavalieri."

After all, who better to comment on one of the Catholic world's most famous keyholes than one of the Catholic blogosphere's most notorious A-holes?


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